If you're a petrolhead - read automobile enthusiast - like me, you probably have attended a Cars and Coffee event or at least heard of them. [The picture at right is a Vietnam-era veteran at the Cars and Camo event we held last year at the USS Iowa battleship in San Pedro, California.]
I've been to a bunch of them - always a fun time - but no one could tell me how or where they began.
Enter Tom Smith, owner of iDriveSocal and his podcast. Listen - or read - how Barry Meguiar and Ford Motor Company got it started and kept it alive until it became an integral part of southern California's car culture and then spread globally. Read on - https://www.idrivesocal.com/history-of-cars-coffee/
You can just see the nose of our DVEN/Rally4Vets Boxster in the right side of the frame.